Dear Friends,
We have been busy! Little did we realize when we started LAAUNCH last fall that we would garner 1.6 billion impressions for our landmark study of American attitudes towards Asian Americans — Social Tracking of Asian Americans in the U.S. or the STAATUS Index. 1.6 billion!!! Explore the rich data at STAATUS INDEX 2021.
Since May we’ve been busy talking to US Congressional leaders, city officials, schools and universities, nonprofits, hospitals, and businesses across America to share the data and discuss how to use the information to achieve tangible results. The STAATUS Index is a multi-year commitment and a cornerstone of LAAUNCH’s long term work to scientifically track changes and measure progress for the AAPI community in the United States. The STAATUS Index helps answer important questions such as:
As the spate of hate incidents and crimes against Asians in America continues, it is clear that LAAUNCH’s work is timely and urgently needed. If you feel stunned, sad, frustrated, defiant, tired, and/or activated, you are not alone. We at LAAUNCH are with you, and committed to making an impact.
Eric Toda, LAAUNCH Board Member and Facebook’s Global Head of Social Networking, shares his feelings:
“I’ve never been in a state of heightened emotional distress like I have this past year — especially these past few months. I’ve cried during interviews, been furious on broadcast TV, and, at times, felt helpless as these attacks continue. But every single time I look at my children, I get a renewed sense of determination in the face of pain and fight harder to be more places for them and send the message further of the cultural awakening around our movement. #StopAsianHate isn’t a moment anymore for me, but a lifelong calling I will take up for them. I refuse to let them remember me only as a marketer or a businessman but instead as someone that fought for them and their community tirelessly with pride.”
Other Founders/Board Members @LAAUNCH are saying:
“I’ve never been an activist — never marched, demonstrated, or protested anything in my life, even though I went to Berkeley. But now isn’t the time to sit by idly, hoping that others will fight for a better future for our kids and a safer environment for the seniors in our community. So, along with some close friends, we started LAAUNCH to heighten awareness of anti-Asian stereotypes, prejudice, and racism. And we are collectively bringing our considerable personal and corporate networks to this effort.” — Ed King, LAAUNCH Founding Member, Managing Director BTIG
"It's important for my daughters to understand that we have to fight for the future we want, so my 8 year old recently came with me to a #StopAsianHate rally in NYC. Having her understand activism at an early age and seeing other Asians stand up and speak out against racism will be something that she remembers for the rest of her life." — Richard Ting, LAAUNCH Founding Member, Senior Director Product Design Twitter
We recently created a video that captures the concerns we have felt about rising anti-AAPI hate in America and led to the creation of LAAUNCH and the STAATUS Index.
Thank you for all your support!
Warmest regards,
Norman Chen, Ming & Wah Chen, Ed King, David Ting, Richard Ting, Eric Toda