
We listen to the data to better understand the Asian-American experience.
Asian-american racism
Get the facts about Asian-American racism.
In the past year, there has been a spike in anti-Asian hate crimes and racism. It’s important to understand the reasons behind this terrible trend.
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2,600 (and counting) incidents of anti-Asian violence have been reported since March this year.
Currently, Asian Americans occupy only 3.1% of the 5,440 Fortune 500 board of director seats. Nearly 80% of the Forture 500 corporations
have no Asian Americans on their board.
Due to COVID-19 and the continued racist rhethoric spewed by the Trump administration, 1 in 4 Asian American youth have experienced racist bullying.
Reported hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased from from 148 in 2017 to 2100 in 2020. That’s an unprecedented 1300% increase.
U.S.-China relations are at its worst in 50 years due to increased economic rivalry, geopolitical tensions, and growing anti-China sentiment.
More than 3 out of 4 Asian Americans worry about discrimination during COVID-19.
Pre-COVID, the jobless rate for Asian Americans was 2.8%. But Asian American unemployment soared to 15% in May, and it was still 10.7% in August.
60% of verbal harassment towards Asian Americans involved blaming Chinese as the source of the pandemic.
77% of Asian American Youth express anger over the current anti-Asian hate in this nation, and 60% also express disappointment over racism.
Asian-american Voting demographics
Get the facts about Asian-American voting and demographics.
2020 was also a historic election year, where Asian Americans, as the fastest-growing racial group in the U.S. electorate, made a huge difference in the election. Asian Americans will continue to have a significant impact in future political races as well.
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Between 2016-2020, Asian Americans are the fastest growing group in the U.S., increasing 101% in number and comprising 9.1% of the total U.S. population.
70% of Asian Americans support affirmative action.
54% of Asian Americans plan to vote by mail or absentee ballot. 44% plan to vote in person. 1 in 3 Asian Americans would use language assistance to vote if available.
During the 2018 midterms, researchers found that Asian Americans had the ability to swing elections in roughly 27 congressional districts, spanning 11 states.
2 out of 3 Asian Americans rank immigration as an important issue. The majority support a pathway to citizenship and support health coverage regardless of immigration status.
asian-american Election influence
Asian Americans had a huge impact on the recent 2020 U.S. Elections.
It’s important that our community’s voices are heard so that elected officials can better understand our issues and concerns. Our votes matter.
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18 Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI’s) are serving in the 117th U.S. Congress starting this January 2021.
In every major battleground state, Asian American voters saw a bigger percent increase in votes cast in the 2020 U.S. elections than any other group.
114,017 Asian American voters cast an early vote in Georgia this year, 56% more than their total turnout in 2016. 30,500 voted for the first time in their lives.
In the 2020 U.S. elections, Asian American voter turnout in the key battleground states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin had the largest increase of any ethnic group.
In the 2020 U.S. elections, Asian American early voters in Texas exceeded their total 2016 turnout by an astounding 53%.
The 117th Congress will have a contingency of 19 Asian Americans, a record high. Another record is the number of Asian Americans who ran in the 2020 election cycle – 343 with 151 projected winners.
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LAAUNCH is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization. Our donors allow LAAUNCH to fund the programs needed to fight anti-Asian racism, increase Asian American representation, and provide the resources needed to create a brighter future.
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